Get ready to be inspired by Shaun Clarida’s massive arm workout during his preparation for the 2023 Olympia. As he aims to defend his world championship title in Orlando, Florida, Clarida takes you through a grueling arm training session that showcases his dedication and determination. With a focus on alternating exercises for the triceps and biceps, Clarida demonstrates his unique approach to training his arms. From rope triceps pushdowns to cable biceps curls, each exercise is carefully executed to maximize his arm development. Join Clarida on his journey as he strives to become a three-time 212 Olympia champion and solidify his place among the greats of the sport.

Rope Triceps Pushdown

In Shaun Clarida’s arm workout, he started with rope triceps pushdowns. This exercise targets the triceps while also preparing the elbows for the rest of the workout. Clarida performed sets of 12 to 15 repetitions, keeping his upper arms braced to his sides and focusing on slow eccentric movements (negatives). For his final set, he did a double drop set, reducing the weight to continue performing extra reps.

Cable Biceps Curl

The next exercise in Clarida’s workout was cable biceps curls using the EZ-curl attachment. He used a relatively wide grip and aimed for three to four sets of 12 to 15 reps. This exercise allowed him to begin his biceps work in a similar way to how he started his triceps training with extensions.

Close-Grip Triceps Pushdown

Clarida then switched back to working the triceps with close-grip triceps pushdowns using the EZ-curl attachment. He chose a closer grip compared to the biceps curls. He started with a feeder set of 140 pounds before increasing the weight to 170 pounds for 12 reps. His third set was performed with 190 pounds, but he considered it too light and moved on to the full weight stack for his fourth set. Clarida expressed his satisfaction with getting stronger during his contest preparation, as it indicated that he was on the right track.

Dumbbell Hammer Curl

The second biceps movement in Clarida’s workout was the dumbbell hammer curl. He used 60-pound dumbbells to start, alternating arms with each repetition. Initially, he aimed for a rep range of eight to 10, but he felt that the weight wasn’t challenging enough. He then switched to 70-pound dumbbells for his next set and successfully completed eight reps for each arm.

Single-Arm Overhead Triceps Extension

For overhead triceps extensions, Clarida stayed in the dumbbell rack area. While not all sets were shown, it was clear that he felt confident in the work he was putting in. He completed three sets for each arm before switching back to biceps exercises.

Single-Arm Machine Preacher Curl

Clarida mentioned that the single-arm machine preacher curl is one of his favorite exercises for working the biceps. Using a machine that allowed him to work one arm at a time, he focused on both the stretch and contraction during each repetition. He aimed to complete three sets of 10 to 12 reps for each arm, taking enough rest time between arms to give maximum effort to each one.

Single-Arm Triceps Pushdown and Overhead Cable Curls

In this exercise, Clarida performed another variation of triceps pushdowns using a leg cuff attachment for his wrist. Going across his body with these extensions allowed him to achieve a greater stretch at the top of each repetition. Only one set was shown before Clarida moved on to his biceps finisher.

The overhead cable curls were performed similarly to how one would pose with a front double biceps pose. Clarida mentioned that while he used to believe you could change the peak of a bicep, he now understands that you can only make the most out of what you naturally have. These curls were performed until failure with both arms simultaneously, after which he switched to performing each side individually to fully exhaust the biceps.

Triceps Machine Dips

The final movement in Clarida’s arm workout was triceps machine dips. Since the triceps tend to be larger than the biceps, he included five triceps exercises in this workout. He emphasized the importance of achieving a good stretch at the top of each rep and a strong contraction at the bottom. After completing three sets of this exercise, he finished his workout for the day.

Giant Killer-Style Giant Arm Workout

If you want to perform a workout like Shaun Clarida’s, you can follow the sample workout outlined below:

  • Rope Triceps Extension — 3 x 12-15
  • Cable Biceps Curl — 3 x 12-15
  • Cable Triceps Pushdown — 3 x 8-10
  • Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl — 3 x 8-10 per arm
  • Single-Arm Overhead Triceps Extension — 3 x 10 per arm
  • Machine Single-Arm Preacher Curl — 3 x 10 per arm
  • Cross-Body Triceps Extension — 3 x 12 per arm
  • Overhead Cable Curl — 3 x 12-15 (reach total muscular failure on last set)
  • Triceps Machine Dip — 3 x 12-15

By following this workout, you can target both your triceps and biceps effectively, just like Shaun Clarida does during his Olympia preparation.

Shaun Clarida’s goal is to successfully defend his Olympia 212 title, hoping to become the first champion since Flex Lewis to achieve back-to-back victories in this division. The upcoming Olympia Weekend in Orlando is where all the action will unfold, and Clarida is determined to join the prestigious group of three-time winners. Despite a busy year that included becoming a father and moving to Texas, he remains focused on the task at hand.

The sample workout mentioned above showcases the intensity and dedication Shaun Clarida puts into his arm training. His preference to alternate between triceps and biceps exercises allows each muscle group to partially recover while the other is being worked. Whether you’re a professional bodybuilder or someone looking to build impressive arm strength and size, trying out this giant arm workout can be an excellent addition to your training routine.

So grab a rope, cable attachments, dumbbells, and hit the gym to give your triceps and biceps the attention they deserve. Just remember to adjust the weights and volume based on your fitness level and consult with a qualified fitness professional if you have any concerns or limitations.

Shaun Clarida’s rigorous arm workout during his Olympia preparation is a testament to his commitment, discipline, and determination to excel in the sport of bodybuilding. With the Olympia just around the corner, the excitement is building to see if he can successfully defend his title and leave a mark in the history of the 212 division.

Remember, consistency and hard work are key in achieving your fitness goals. So, imbibe Shaun Clarida’s spirit and dedication as you embark on your own fitness journey, and remember to always prioritize your safety and well-being while striving for improvement.

(Note: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical or professional advice. Please consult with a qualified fitness professional before starting any new exercise program.)