Get ready to be amazed by powerlifter Jamal Browner as he prepares to make his debut in the world of strongman at the 2023 World Deadlift Championships. Browner, known for his impressive deadlifts, recently hit a jaw-dropping 959-pound conventional deadlift for 2 reps in training. This accomplishment adds to his already impressive track record, which includes pulling 500 kilograms (1,102 pounds) and setting a world record for the raw total in the 110-kilogram category. Browner’s incredible strength and dedication are sure to make waves in the world of strongman.

Jamal Browner Hits 959-Pound Conventional Deadlift for 2 Reps in Training

Welcome to the exciting world of strongman! In this article, we will take a closer look at the incredible feat achieved by powerlifter Jamal Browner. Browner recently hit a 959-pound conventional deadlift for two reps during his training. This impressive display of strength showcases Browner’s exceptional talent and remarkable progress in the sport.

Let’s delve into the background of Jamal Browner and his journey in the world of strongman competitions.


Jamal Browner’s debut in the world of strongman: Jamal Browner is set to make his debut in the world of strongman at the 2023 World Deadlift Championships, which is a part of the 2023 Giants Live Strongman World Open. This highly anticipated event will take place on September 2, 2023, in Cardiff, Wales.

2023 World Deadlift Championships: The 2023 World Deadlift Championships are a prestigious event in the strongman community. It gathers some of the strongest individuals from around the world to compete in the deadlift discipline. Browner’s participation in this event marks a significant milestone in his strongman career.

Giants Live Strongman World Open: The Giants Live Strongman World Open is a platform for strongman athletes to showcase their strength and compete against each other. Browner’s participation in the 2023 World Deadlift Championships is a result of his qualification through this world-class competition.

Transition to conventional deadlift for strongman: Browner was originally a sumo deadlifter in his regular sport. However, for the world of strongman, he had to transition into using a conventional stance, which doesn’t allow lifters to use the wider sumo stance. Despite this adjustment, Browner has been able to adapt well and achieve remarkable results.

Now, let’s take a closer look at the training video that showcases Browner’s incredible deadlift performance.

Training Video

Browner recently posted a training video on Instagram that left fans in awe. The video features a short, intense set where Brower executes the conventional deadlift with exceptional strength and precision.

Jamal Browner’s Training Set

Description of the Instagram Reel video: In his Instagram Reel video, Browner can be seen performing the conventional deadlift with a staggering 959 pounds. The video highlights his impressive technique and raw strength, capturing the attention of viewers worldwide.

Use of lifting straps and weightlifting belt: During the training set, Browner utilizes lifting straps and wears a weightlifting belt. These accessories are allowed in strongman competitions and provide additional support and stability during heavy lifts.

First rep and second rep: Browner’s first rep showcases his explosive power, as he effortlessly brings the barbell to a complete lockout. The second rep follows, albeit a bit slower, but Browner maintains complete control and successfully completes the lift.

Third rep attempt: While Browner attempted a third rep, he was unable to bring the bar to knee-height. This showcases the immense weight he was lifting and highlights the challenges even elite athletes face in pushing their limits.

Personal Record and Steady Improvement

Steady improvement on the conventional deadlift: Browner’s recent deadlift of 959 pounds for two reps is a personal record and a testament to his consistent progress in the conventional deadlift. Over the past months, he has shown steady improvement in this discipline, refining his technique and increasing his strength.

Recent PRs: Browner’s recent achievements include hitting 410 kilograms (903 pounds) for four reps and a single lift of 435 kilograms. These impressive lifts demonstrate his continuous growth and determination in the world of strength sports.

More from Breaking Muscle

To learn more about deadlifts and strengthen your training routine, check out these informative articles from Breaking Muscle:

  1. 7 Tips to Perfect Your Deadlift Form: This article provides valuable tips and techniques to optimize your deadlift form, ensuring safe and efficient execution of the lift.

  2. Should You Train the Deadlift on Back Day or Leg Day?: Discover the strategic considerations when planning your deadlift training and whether it’s best to incorporate it on back day or leg day in this informative article.

  3. 6 Deadlift Benefits Everyone Should Know About: Explore the numerous benefits of deadlifts beyond building strength and how this compound exercise can positively impact your overall fitness and well-being.

  4. Learn How to Build Strength with Three Key Principles: This article delves into the foundational principles of strength training and highlights strategies to optimize your strength-building journey.

Browner’s Accomplishments and Reputation

Jamal Browner has established himself as a renowned deadlifter in the world of strength sports. His incredible achievements and talent have solidified his reputation among the elite athletes in the field.

Deadlifting 500 kilograms (1,102 pounds): Browner’s immense strength and dedication enabled him to accomplish an extraordinary feat – deadlifting an awe-inspiring 500 kilograms. This puts him in an exclusive group of incredible deadlifters, including Eddie Hall, Hafthor Bjornsson, Danny Grigsby, and Krzysztof Wierzbicki.

Other notable deadlifters: While Browner’s accomplishments are exceptional, it’s worth noting the impressive feats achieved by other renowned deadlifters such as Eddie Hall and Hafthor Bjornsson. These athletes have left an indelible mark in the world of strongman and continue to inspire others with their incredible strength.

In conclusion, Jamal Browner’s recent deadlift of 959 pounds for two reps in training is a testament to his exceptional strength and unwavering determination. His upcoming debut in the world of strongman carries high expectations, and fans are eagerly awaiting his performance at the 2023 World Deadlift Championships. Browner’s consistent improvement and remarkable achievements make him a force to be reckoned with in the world of strength sports.